[Άτλαντας με επτά πορτολάνους]
Μεσόγειος και ευρωπαϊκή ακτή Ατλαντικού
mid-sixteenth century, 0
Τεχνική: Χειρόγραφος
Κατηγορία: Ναυτικός Άτλας, 7 χάρτες
Νέα Υόρκη, Brooklyn Art Museum, 36.203.1-7.
New York, Brooklyn Art Museum, 36.203.1-7.
C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, USNY1.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, ANY.1.
Περιλαμβάνει: ANY.1.1 (f1v-f2r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ατλαντικών ακτών της Ευρώπης, από το Πόρτο έως τις ακτές της Δανίας, με τα Βρετανικά νησιά και την Ιρλανδία. ANY.1.2 (f2v-f3r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των δυτικών ακτών της Ιβηρικής και της βορείου Αφρικής με τις Κανάριες νήσους. ANY.1.3 (f3v-f4r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών της δυτικής Μεσογείου με τις Βαλεαρίδες Νήσους, την Σαρδηνία και την Κορσική. ANY.1.4 (f4v-f5r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της Κεντρικής Μεσογείου με την Μάλτα, την Σικελία, την Σαρδηνία και την Κορσική. ANY.1.5 (f5v-f6r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της κεντρικής και ανατολικής Μεσογείου με την Σικελία και την Κρήτη. ANY.1.6 (f6v-f7r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της ανατολικής Μεσογείου με τα νησιά του Αιγαίου, την Κρήτη και την Κύπρο. ANY.1.7 (f7v-f8r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της Μαύρης Θάλασσας, της Αζοφικής και της Προποντίδας.
Η Βάση δεδομένων «Τεκμήρια Ελληνικής Χαρτογραφίας», περιλαμβάνει το έργο ελλήνων σχεδιαστών και εκδοτών χαρτών από τον 15ο αιώνα έως το 1820. Η Βάση περιλαμβάνει χειρόγραφους και έντυπους χάρτες και άτλαντες, καθώς και νησολόγια. Τα έργα αυτά είναι άλλοτε αυτοτελή κι άλλοτε ένθετα σε γεωγραφικές, ιστορικές ή θρησκευτικές εκδόσεις. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίδεται στην έντυπη διάδοση των έργων των ελλήνων χαρτογράφων. Είναι προϊόν του Ερευνητικού Προγράμματος «Γεωγραφική Παιδεία και Ιστορία της Χαρτογραφίας», με επιστημονικό Υπεύθυνο τον Γιώργο Τόλια, Διευθυντή Ερευνών του ΙΝΕ/ΕΙΕ.
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Γιώργος Τόλιας
[Portolan atlas with seven charts]
Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic coast of Europe
mid-sixteenth century, 0
Technique: Manuscript
Category: Portolan Atlas, 7 Charts
Νέα Υόρκη, Brooklyn Art Museum, 36.203.1-7.
New York, Brooklyn Art Museum, 36.203.1-7.
C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, USNY1.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, ANY.1.
The atlas contains: ANY.l.I (flv-f2r), a portolan chart of the At¬lantic coastline of Europe, from Porto to Denmark, with the British Isles and Ireland; ANY.1.2 (f2v-f3r), a portolan chart of the west coast of the Iberian peninsula and North Africa, with the Canaries; ANY.1.3 (f\'3v-f\'4r), a portolan chart of the coasts of the west Mediterranean, with the Balearic Islands, Sardinia and Corsica: ANY.1.4 (f4v-f\'5r), a portolan chart of the central Medi¬terranean, with Malta, Sicily and Corsica; ANY.1.5 (f\'5v-f6r), a po¬rtolan chart of the central and eastern Mediterranean, with Sicily and Crete: ANY.1.6 (f6v-f7r), a portolan chart of the eastern Mediterranean, with the Aegean islands, Crete and Cyprus; ANY.1.7 (f7v-f8r), a portolan chart of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Propontis.
Structurally, this is a \'classic\' Mediterranean portolan atlas. The work is extremely rough; no care has been taken over the aesthetic aspects of the charts, whose plainness and simplicity is characteristic of the cheaper works produced for use by sailors alone, and possibly for the personal use of the chartmaker. This utilitarian character is further demonstrated by the care taken to indicate the dangerous places for navigation, which are marked with crosses and dots.
The charts have no rhumb lines, simply a central wind rose or compass with 18 winds in sepia and red, on which the orientation is sometimes marked in the Latin alphabet (S, P, etc.). On some maps there is a second arc at some distance from the wind rose, though this does not form a grid. The central compass and the simplified cartographic work remind us of the utilitarian isolarii used by the Italian and Ottoman sailors of the period. The first two charts have scale bars of miglia in their borders. Most of the charts are surrounded by a green decorative band, which breaks off whenever cartographic needs dictate.
The coastline is picked out in green, place-names are in sepia and black, there are very occasional gold ornaments on the wind roses and at the estuary of the Don (in blue). ANY.1.4 has a damaged representation of Venice. In the hinterland, only the Taurus Mountains in Asia Minor are shown (ANY.1.6), together with a range of mountains in the Libyan hinterland. There are simple banners and emblems -in pen, possibly by another, still more un¬tutored, hand- to mark England, Scotland, Libya and the Crimea. Of the countries of the hinterland, only ANATOLIA and SPANIA are named, in Latin letters faded almost to illegibility. In the catalogue of the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the atlas is dated 1430, which would make it the sole surviving work of the Paleologan period. However, the cartographic work does not bear out a dating to the early fifteenth century, despite the fact that the sources for the first chart in the atlas (that which includes the British Isles) are still older than that time. Palaeographic study of the chart reveals it to have been drawn by a vulgar hand and allows it to be dated to the mid-sixteenth century, at the earliest, while a second and more learned script appears at certain points, especially in the toponymy of the largest islands. The first script is later than that of the Anonymous of Lucca.
The database “Greek Cartography: the Documents” includes the cartographic work of Greek mapmakers and Greek publishers of maps and cartographic material from the 15th century to 1820. The database contains manuscript and printed maps, atlases and isolarii. The works are either independent either included in geographical, historical or religious editions. Special attention is given to the printing history of the Greek mapmakers’ production. It is a product of the Research Project “Geographical Culture and History of Cartography” supervised by Dr. George Tolias, Research Director INR/NHRF.
Institute Of Neohellenic Research/NHRF
George Tolias