[Άτλαντας με 12 πορτολάνους και 11 τοπογραφικούς χάρτες], Antonius Millo F
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Antonio Millo
[Άτλαντας με 12 πορτολάνους και 11 τοπογραφικούς χάρτες], Antonius Millo F
Παγκόσμιος Άτλαντας
1582-1584, 0
Τεχνική: Χειρόγραφος
Κατηγορία: Ναυτικός Άτλας, 12 χάρτες
Διαστάσεις: 1025 x 710 mm
Ρώμη, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuelle II, Carte nautiche 6
Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuelle II, Carte nautiche 6
G. Uzielli & P. Amat , Studi Biografici e Bibliografici sulla storia della Geografia in Italia…, volume II, Mappamondi, carte nautiche, Portolani ed altri monumenti cartografici specialmente italiani dei secoli XIII- XVII, Rome 1882, 173.A. E. Nordenskiöld, Periplus: An Essay on the Early History of Charts and Sailing- Directions, Stockholm 1897,67. L. Zögner,Der Weltatlas des Antonio Millo von 1586, Würtemberg 1988, 5.C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell\' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, ItRo8.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, AM.5.
Περιλαμβάνει: AM.5.1 (f1v-f2r): Πλανισφαίριο, Tuto el Dischoperto in Carta Marina./ Antonius Millo F. AM.5.2 (f2v-f3r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών του βορείου Ατλαντικού, Mare Oceano. AM.5.3 (f3v-f4r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών του Νοτίου Ατλαντικού, Mare Oceano. AM.5.4 (f3v-f5r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών του κεντικού Ειρηνικού, Mare Oceano. AM.5.5 (f5v-f6r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών του βορείου Ειρηνικού, Oceano Mare. AM.5.6 (f6v-f7r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών του Ινδικού ωκεανού, Mare Oceano. AM.5.7 (f7v-f8r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της Μεσογείου και των δυτικών ευρωπαϊκών ακτών. AM.5.8 (f8v-f9r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών της δυτικής Μεσογείου. AM.5.9 (f9v-f10r): Ναυτικός χάτης των νοτίων ακτών της κεντρικής Μεσογείου. AM.5.10 (f10v-f11r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της Αδριατικής. AM.5.11 (f11v-f12r): Ναυτικός χάρτης των ακτών της Ελλάδας, της δυτικής Μικράς Ασίας και της νοτίου Ιταλίας. AM.5.12 (f12v-f13r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της ανατολικής Μεσογείου. AM.5.13 (f13v-f14r): Ναυτικός χάρτης του Ευξείνου Πόντου. AM.5.14 (f14v-f15r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ισπανίας, La Spagna. AM.5.15 (f15v-f16r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Γαλλίας, Totius Galliae Descripti.AM.5.16 (f16v-f17r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης των Βρετανικών νησιών και της Ιρλανδίας, Britanniae Insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae Regna Continet cum Hibernia adiacente nova d. AM.5.17 (f17v-f18r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης των Κάτω Χωρών, Flandriae Recens eaxctae descriptio / Antonius Millos F. AM.5.18 (f18v-f19r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Δανίας και της νοτίου Σκανδιναβίας, Septemtrionalium Regionum Svetiae Gothiae Norvegiae Daniae / Antonius Millos F. AM.5.19 (f19v-f20r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Γερμανίας, Germania. AM.5.20 (f20v-f21r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης των νοτίων περιοχών της Μεσευρώπης, Descrittione Ungaria MDLXXXIII. AM.5.21 (21v-f22r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ελβετίας, Descricione de tuto el paese de Sviceros. AM.5.22 (22v-f23r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ιταλίας με την Σαρδηνία, την Κορσική και τις Δαλματικές ακτές, Provincia de la Italia MDLXXXII. AM.5.23 (f23v-f24r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Βαλκανικής χερσονήσου και της δυτικής Μικράς Ασίας, Totius Graetiae Descriptio.
Η Βάση δεδομένων «Τεκμήρια Ελληνικής Χαρτογραφίας», περιλαμβάνει το έργο ελλήνων σχεδιαστών και εκδοτών χαρτών από τον 15ο αιώνα έως το 1820. Η Βάση περιλαμβάνει χειρόγραφους και έντυπους χάρτες και άτλαντες, καθώς και νησολόγια. Τα έργα αυτά είναι άλλοτε αυτοτελή κι άλλοτε ένθετα σε γεωγραφικές, ιστορικές ή θρησκευτικές εκδόσεις. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίδεται στην έντυπη διάδοση των έργων των ελλήνων χαρτογράφων. Είναι προϊόν του Ερευνητικού Προγράμματος «Γεωγραφική Παιδεία και Ιστορία της Χαρτογραφίας», με επιστημονικό Υπεύθυνο τον Γιώργο Τόλια, Διευθυντή Ερευνών του ΙΝΕ/ΕΙΕ.
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Γιώργος Τόλιας
Antonio Millo
[Atlas with 12 portolan charts and 11 topographical maps], Antonius Millo F
World (Atlas)
1582-1584, 0
Technique: Manuscript
Category: Portolan Atlas, 12 Charts + 11 Geographical Maps
Dimensions: 1025 x 710 mm
Ρώμη, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuelle II, Carte nautiche 6
Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuelle II, Carte nautiche 6
G. Uzielli & P. Amat , Studi Biografici e Bibliografici sulla storia della Geografia in Italia…, volume II, Mappamondi, carte nautiche, Portolani ed altri monumenti cartografici specialmente italiani dei secoli XIII- XVII, Rome 1882, 173.A. E. Nordenskiöld, Periplus: An Essay on the Early History of Charts and Sailing- Directions, Stockholm 1897,67. L. Zögner,Der Weltatlas des Antonio Millo von 1586, Würtemberg 1988, 5.C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell\' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, ItRo8.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, AM.5.
The atlas contains: AM.5.1 (f1r), a portolan chart of the Mediterranean and the western European coast; AM.5.2 (f2v), a planisphere, Tuto el Dischoperto in Carta Marina / Antonius Millo F.; AM.5.3 (f2r), a portolan chart of the coastline of the central Pacific, Mare Oceano; AM.5.4 (f3v), a portolan chart of the coasts of the north and central Atlantic, Mare Oceano; AM.5.5 (f3r), a portolan chart of the coasts of the south Atlantic, Mare Oceano; AM.5.6 (f4v), a portolan chart of the coasts of the Indian Ocean, Mare Oceano; AM.5.7 (f4r), a portolan chart of the coasts of the north and central Pacific, Oceano Mare; AM.5.8 (f5v), a portolan chart of the eastern Mediterranean; AM.5.9 (f5r), a portolan chart of the Black Sea; AM.5.10 (f6v), a topographical map of Germany, Germania; AM.5.11 (f6r), a topographical map of Spain, La Spagna; AM.5.12 (f7v), a topographical map of the southern part of Central Europe, Descrittione Ungaria MDLXXXIII; AM.5.13 (f7r), a topographical map of Switzerland, Descricione de tuto el paese de Sviceros; AM.5.14 (f8v), a topographical map of the British Isles and Ireland, Britanniae Insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae Regna Continet cum Hibernia adiacente nova d. ; AM.5.15 (f8r), a topographical map of France, Totius Galliae Descripti; AM.5.16 (f9v), a topographical map of Denmark and southern Scandinavia, Septemtrionalium Regionum Svetiae Gothiae Norvegiae Daniae / Antonius Millos F.; AM.5.17 (f9r), a topographical map of the Low Countries, Flandriae Recens eaxctae descriptio /Antonius Millos F.; AM.5.18 (f10v), a portolan chart of the south coast of the central Mediterranean; AM.5.20 (f11v), a portolan chart of the Adriatic; AM.5.21 (f11r), a portolan chart of the coastline of Greece, western Asia Minor and south Italy; AM.5.22 (f12v), a topographical map of Italy with Sardinia, Corsica and the Dalmatian coast, Provincia de la Italia MDLXXXII; AM.5.23 (f12r), a topographical map of the Balkan peninsula and west Asia Minor, Totius Graetiae Descriptio.
This atlas consists of a planisphere, twelve portolan charts and ten topographical maps, and it is the earliest surviving dated atlas by Antonio Millo. It must have been produced in steps over the period from 1582 to 1584: two of the twenty-three maps in the work are dated, one to 1582 (the topographical map of Italy) and the other to 1583 (the topographical map of Hungary), while the introductory planisphere and the map of the north Atlantic coastline record a British passage around the north coast of Canada in 1584 (Canal qale passo corso Inglese lano MDLLXXIIII).
The considerable period of time over which the atlas was produced explains the geographical disorder of its structure and the inconsistency of Antonio\'s signature. He signed the planisphere as Antonius Millo and the maps of the Low Countries and Denmark as Antonius Millos - another variation to add to the long list of those encountered elsewhere: (de Melo, Millo, Milo, da Millo, Millos) and further increase the confusion. The period of production and the variety of the sources on which Antonio drew also explain the fact that some of the maps in the atlas have Italian titles and others in Latin.
Great care was taken over the atlas; in cartographic terms, it is unusual in combining portolan charts and topographical maps, a feature also found in the Berlin atlas (infra). The portolan charts are inspired by the work of Agnese, whose influence is also plain in the structure of the atlas and in the introductory planisphere surrounded by depictions of the eight winds.
In the portolan charts, Antonio\'s interest focuses on the new discoveries. He twice mentions a \'north passage\' of the American continent by British explorers in 1584, and he devotes one of the maps in his atlas to \'New India\', the group of islands to the west of New Guinea which - as he tells us in a note - had been discovered in 1567. Here, Antonio (or his source) is close to the truth: in 1568, Alvaro de Mendana de Neira had set out from Peru and discovered the Solomon Islands. As for the supposed north passage of America, Antonio may have had in mind Martin Frobisher\'s circuit of Labrador in 1576. (Frobisher, reaching the gulf which bears his name, believed he had found a passage around America; however, he was unable to prove his theory because he returned home after coming across what he thought was a rich seam of gold.)
The topographical maps in the altas are based on the published maps of the period, most of them printed in Italy. The Switzerland of Aegidius Tschudi, the Greece of Sophianos (possibly from its smaller Salamanca edition), the Denmark and south Scandinavia of Cornelius Anthoniszoon (published by Camocio in 1562), the British Isles of George Lily (in the Sebastiano di Re edition of 1558), and the Italy of Bertelli (1565) are all immediately recognisable.
All the maps in the atlas have gradations of latitude and the planisphere has indications both of latitude and of longitude. Antonio makes much of this innovation, inscribing Gradus Longitudinus in letters many times the size of the other indications. The scales vary from map to map: the portolan charts are scaled in nautical miles (with a note explaining the values), while the topographical maps use a variety of scales depending on the sources and the systems of measurement applied in each country (Spanish leagues, Italian, Flemish or Swiss miles).
Each map is surrounded by a two-tone ornamental band, usually in red and gold - the colours also used for the wind roses and compasses typical of the work of Antonio. The portolan charts have a dense network of rhumb lines (32 directions) marked in sepia. Coastlines are picked out in blue or red and the islands in bright colours (blue, gold, red), while there are coats-of-arms, emblems and banners. The names of broader geographical areas are often recorded in wavy coloured bands. Ships sail the oceans, and there are monsters of the deep.
The topographical maps emphasise the relief of the terrain, the rivers and lakes, towns and cities, administrative divisions and forests. It is interesting that on none of the maps does Antonio insert representations of cities, indicating them instead in a standardised, conventional manner, though in rare cases on the topographical maps the largest cities are designated with a stylised depiction of a circular walled urban complex.
All the topographical maps in the Rome altas, with the exception of those of Hungary and Germany and the replacement of the Sophianos map of Greece by the one created by Gastaldi, are also to be found in the 1586 Berlin atlas.
The database “Greek Cartography: the Documents” includes the cartographic work of Greek mapmakers and Greek publishers of maps and cartographic material from the 15th century to 1820. The database contains manuscript and printed maps, atlases and isolarii. The works are either independent either included in geographical, historical or religious editions. Special attention is given to the printing history of the Greek mapmakers’ production. It is a product of the Research Project “Geographical Culture and History of Cartography” supervised by Dr. George Tolias, Research Director INR/NHRF.
Institute Of Neohellenic Research/NHRF
George Tolias