[Παγκόσμιος άτλαντας με 30 φύλλα, 6 πορτολάνους και 8 τοπογραφικούς χάρτες], Antonius Millo F
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Antonio Millo
[Παγκόσμιος άτλαντας με 30 φύλλα, 6 πορτολάνους και 8 τοπογραφικούς χάρτες], Antonius Millo F
Παγκόσμιος Άτλαντας
1586, 0
Τεχνική: Χειρόγραφος
Κατηγορία: Ναυτικός Άτλας, 6 χάρτες
Διαστάσεις: 405 x 525 mm
Βερολίνο, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz,2o Ms. Ham. 446
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz,2o Ms. Ham. 446
L. Zögner,Der Weltatlas des Antonio Millo von 1586, Würtemberg 1988. C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, GeB2.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, AM.6.
Περιλαμβάνει: AM.6.1 (f1r): Mare Occeano (εικονογράφηση). AM.6.2 (f1v): Figura della Sphera Accidentale. AM.6.3 (f2r): El corso del Sole et della Luna. AM.6.4 (f2v): Figura della Sphera Substantiale. AM.6.5 (f3v-f4r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της βορείου και κεντρικής Αμερικής (Mondo Novo). AM.6.6 (f5v-f6r): Ναυτικός και τοπογραφικός χάρτης της νοτίου Αμερικής. AM.6.7 (f7v-f8r): Ναυτικός χάρτης του Ατλαντικού ωκεανού. AM.6.8 (f9v-f10r): Ναυτικός και τοπογραφικός χάρτης των νότιων και ανατολικών ακτών της Αφρικής και της Αραβικής χερσονήσου. AM.6.9 (f11v-f12r): Ναυτικός και τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Νοτιοανατολικής Ασίας και των νησιών του Ειρηνικού ωκεανού. AM.6.10 (f13v-f14r): Ναυτικός χάρτης της Μεσογείου (Evropae, Asia, Africa). AM.6.11(f14v-f15r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της νοτίου Σκανδιναβίας και της Δανίας (Septmtrionlium Regionum Svetiae Gothiae Norvegiae Daniae, Antonius Millo). AM.6.12 (f17v-f18r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης των Κάτω Χωρών (Flandriae Descriptio. AM.6.13 (f19v-f20r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης των Βρετανικών Νήσων και της Ιρλανδίας (Britania Insula Qvaee duo Regn Angliam et Scotiam con Hibernia). AM.6.14 (f21v-22r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Γαλλίας (Tuta la Francia). AM.6.15 (f23v-f24r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ιβηρικής Χερσονήσου (La Spagna). AM.6.16 (f25v-f26r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ελβετίας (Paese de Sviceri). AM.6.17 (f27v-f28r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ιταλικής χερσονήσου και των Δαλματικών ακτών (Tuta la Descricion de Italia). AM.6.18 (f29v-f30r): Τοπογραφικός χάρτης της Ελλάδας (Descrittione della Geografia Moderna di Tutta la Gregia, MDLXXXVI, Antonius Millo F.)
Η Βάση δεδομένων «Τεκμήρια Ελληνικής Χαρτογραφίας», περιλαμβάνει το έργο ελλήνων σχεδιαστών και εκδοτών χαρτών από τον 15ο αιώνα έως το 1820. Η Βάση περιλαμβάνει χειρόγραφους και έντυπους χάρτες και άτλαντες, καθώς και νησολόγια. Τα έργα αυτά είναι άλλοτε αυτοτελή κι άλλοτε ένθετα σε γεωγραφικές, ιστορικές ή θρησκευτικές εκδόσεις. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίδεται στην έντυπη διάδοση των έργων των ελλήνων χαρτογράφων. Είναι προϊόν του Ερευνητικού Προγράμματος «Γεωγραφική Παιδεία και Ιστορία της Χαρτογραφίας», με επιστημονικό Υπεύθυνο τον Γιώργο Τόλια, Διευθυντή Ερευνών του ΙΝΕ/ΕΙΕ.
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Γιώργος Τόλιας
[World atlas with 30 leaves, 6 portolan charts and 8 topographical maps], Antonius Millo F
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Antonio Millo
[World atlas with 30 leaves, 6 portolan charts and 8 topographical maps], Antonius Millo F
World (Atlas)
1586, 0
Technique: Manuscript
Category: Portolan Atlas, 6 Charts + 8 Geographical Maps
Dimensions: 405 x 525 mm
Βερολίνο, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz,2o Ms. Ham. 446
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz,2o Ms. Ham. 446
L. Zögner,Der Weltatlas des Antonio Millo von 1586, Würtemberg 1988. C. Astengo, Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscriti Eseguiti nell' area Mediterranea nel periodo 1500- 1700…, University of Genoa 1996, GeB2.
George Tolias, The Greek Portolan Charts 16th -17th century, Athens, Olkos for the NHRF, 1999, AM.6.
The atlas contains: AM.6.1 (f1r), Mare Occeano (illustration); AM.6.2 (f1v), Figura della Sphera Accidentale; AM.6.3 (f2r), El corso del Sole et della Luna; AM.6.4 (f2v), Figura della Sphera Substantiale; AM.6.5 (f3v-f4r), a portolan chart of north and central America; AM.6.7 (f7v-f8r), a portolan chart of the Atlantic Ocean; AM.6.8 (f9v-f10r), a portolan chart and topographical map of the south and east coasts of Africa and the Arabian peninsula; AM.6.9 (f11v-f12r), a portolan chart and topographical map of south-east Asia and the islands in the Pacific Ocean; AM.6.10 (f13v-f14r), a portolan chart of the Mediterranean (Evropae, Asia, Africa); AM.6.11 (f14v-f15r), a topographical map of south Scandinavia and Denmark (Septmtrionlium Regionum Svetiae Gothiae Norvegiae Daniae, Antonius Millo); AM.6.12 (f17v-f18r), a topographical map of the Low Countries (Flandriae Descriptio); AM.6.13 (f19v-f20r), a topographical map of the British Isles and Ireland (Britania Insula Qvaee duo Regn Angliam et Scotiam con Hibernia); AM.6.14 (f21v-f22r), a topographical map of France (Tuta la Francia); AM.6.15 (f23r-f24r), a topographical map of the Iberian Peninsula (La Spagna), AM.6.16 (f25v-f26r), a topographical map of Switzerland (Paese de Sviceri); AM.6.17 (f27v-f28r), a topographical map of the Italian peninsula and the Dalmatian coast (Tuta la Descricion de Italia); AM.6.18 (f29v-f30r), a topographical map of Greece (Descrittione della Geografia Moderna di Tutta la Gregia, MDLXXXVI, Antonius Millo F.).
This fine atlas is an interesting mixture of portolan charts and topographical maps accompanied by texts which would be useful to sailors. It begins with four introductory drawings. First there is an illustration of the Atlantic Ocean, with large merchant vessels setting off in all directions from a point of Cavo S. Vincente, the southernmost extremity of the Iberian Peninsula. Most are under sail for the New World, although one is heading for Africa and another up the coast of western Europe. The sun is shown setting behind clouds, and the ocean is full of strange monsters. After this come images of the armilla (Figura della Sphera Accidentale), an elaborate table or instrument with three concentric revolving circles which can be used to calculate the movements of the sun and the phases of the moon (El Corso del Sole et della Luna), and a diagram giving the positions of the heavenly bodies.
The six double portolan charts which the atlas contains (AM.6.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) have scales of latitude, scale bars and the compass roses so characteristic of Antonio\'s work. The eight double topographical maps have a network of parallels and meridians rather than rhumb lines. They also bear indications of latitude and longitude and scale bars, though different metrical systems are used on each occasion.
Most of the maps in the atlas have titles, set in the usual wavy band or in gold borders. The hinterland is depicted in the same manner in both the portolan charts and the topographical maps, which enhances the cartographic uniformity of the atlas. Towns and cities are given stylised markings, as are the rivers and the relief of the terrain, where the style is rather similar to that of Georgio Sideri. The ornamentation includes the emblems of the rulers of each area and ships.
The colour-scheme and the manner in which the maps, charts and drawings in the atlas have been executed are both elaborate and tasteful. The texts are a reworking of the material to be found in Antonio\'s isolarii and handbooks of navigation. The first text supplies basic information about navigation (f3r), and this is followed by descriptions of the Canary Islands (f4v-f5r), of the islands of the North Atlantic (f6v-f7r), of the island of S. Lorenzo (f8v-f9r), of the islands of the Indian Ocean (f10v-f11r), of the map of the world (f12v-f13r) and of the portolan chart (f14v-f15r). Last comes a lengthy text on how to identify the co-ordinates of a given position and how to calculate magnetic deviation (f16v-f17r, f18v-f19r, f20v-f21r, f22v-f23r, f24v-f25r, f26v-f27r, f28v-f29r and f30v).
As in the case of the Rome atlas, the structure of this atlas is influenced by the work of Agnese, while the cartographic work often relies on the printed Italian production and in particular of the maps in the miscellaneous atlases of the period 1560-1575 (Bertelli, Camocio, Gastaldi, Salamanca, etc.). The map of Greece, for instance (AM.6.18), is a faithful replica of the corresponding map drawn and engraved by Gastaldi in 1566 (Zacharakis b562), the map of Switzerland follows closely that of Aegidius Tschudi (engraved by Paolo Forlani at Venice in 1567), and that of Denmark and southern Scandinavia is a copy of the map by Cornelius Anthoniszoon engraved in Venice by Camocio in 1562.
The database “Greek Cartography: the Documents” includes the cartographic work of Greek mapmakers and Greek publishers of maps and cartographic material from the 15th century to 1820. The database contains manuscript and printed maps, atlases and isolarii. The works are either independent either included in geographical, historical or religious editions. Special attention is given to the printing history of the Greek mapmakers’ production. It is a product of the Research Project “Geographical Culture and History of Cartography” supervised by Dr. George Tolias, Research Director INR/NHRF.
Institute Of Neohellenic Research/NHRF
George Tolias