A New Journey through the kingdoms and Provinces of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine; As also Thro' Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those Countries in the Years 1721, 1722, and 1723. In XXV familiar
View in English
Sainte Maure, Charles de
A New Journey through the kingdoms and Provinces of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine; As also Thro' Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those Countries in the Years 1721, 1722, and 1723. In XXV familiar
London, 1739
Πρόλογος: Sainte Maure, Charles de] Περιγραφή περιεχομένων: Index Aρίθμηση σελίδων: PP8+269P+11PP Tόμοι: 1 Eίδος κειμένου: Prose / Letters
GEN: GT. 632 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT. 632)
Δρομολόγιο: La Rochelle, ...Marseille, Toulon, ...Genoa, ...Florence, Venice, Corfou, Cephalonia, Ithaca, Candia, Argentière, Naxos, Paros and Antiparos, Tynos, Myconium, Delos, Samos, Chios, Smyrna, Ephesus, Athens, Smyrna, Stanco or Lango(Coos), Rhodes, Alexandria
Γλώσσα κειμένου: French Notes for the traveler. Officer
Ενδιαφέροντα: History, Contemporary Life, Antiquities, Church, Religion, Food, Wines.
Sainte Maure, Charles de-Sainte Maure (de) Charles Sainte Maure, Charles de-S[ainte] M[aure] (d[e]) C[harles] Traveller-Sainte Maure, Charles de-Sainte Maure (de) Charles Traveller-Sainte Maure, Charles de-S[ainte] M[aure] (d[e]) C[harles]
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
A New Journey through the kingdoms and Provinces of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine; As also Thro' Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those Countries in the Years 1721, 1722, and 1723. In XXV familiar
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Sainte Maure, Charles de
A New Journey through the kingdoms and Provinces of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine; As also Thro' Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those Countries in the Years 1721, 1722, and 1723. In XXV familiar
London, 1739
Preface: Sainte Maure, Charles de] Content description: Index Pagination: PP8+269P+11PP Volumes: 1 Text Genre: Prose / Letters
GEN: GT. 632 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT. 632)
Itinerary: La Rochelle, ...Marseille, Toulon, ...Genoa, ...Florence, Venice, Corfou, Cephalonia, Ithaca, Candia, Argentière, Naxos, Paros and Antiparos, Tynos, Myconium, Delos, Samos, Chios, Smyrna, Ephesus, Athens, Smyrna, Stanco or Lango(Coos), Rhodes, Alexandria
Original language: French Notes for the traveler. Officer
Interests: History, Contemporary Life, Antiquities, Church, Religion, Food, Wines.
Sainte Maure, Charles de-Sainte Maure (de) Charles Sainte Maure, Charles de-S[ainte] M[aure] (d[e]) C[harles] Traveller-Sainte Maure, Charles de-Sainte Maure (de) Charles Traveller-Sainte Maure, Charles de-S[ainte] M[aure] (d[e]) C[harles]
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou