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Zee-en land-voyagie Van den Ridder Hendrik Blunt, Na de Levant. Gedaan in het Jaar 1634. Waar in op het naauw-keurigst verhaalt word, ’t geen hem onderweegen van Venetiën door Dalmatiën, Slavoniën, Bosna, Hungaryen, Macedoniën, Thessaliën, Thraciën, Rhode
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά

The PANDEKTIS digitalization and online dissemination through has been developed by the Greek National Documentation Centre (EKT). The project 'PANDEKTIS - A Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History and Culture' is developed by the National Hellenic Research Foundation under the framework 'Digital Greece' ( and is co-financed at 75% by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund and at 25% by the Greek Public Domain (Operational Program for IS - OPIS, 3rd CSF 2000-2006).