Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters by the Hponorable The Earl of Carlisle
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Carlisle, G.W.F. Howard (Earl of) Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard
Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters by the Hponorable The Earl of Carlisle
London, 1855
Preface. Περιγραφή περιεχομένων: Title Aρίθμηση σελίδων: PP12+353P Tόμοι: 1 Έκδοση : 5th Eίδος κειμένου: Prose / Journal
GEN : GT 1129.27 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT 1129.27)
Δρομολόγιο: Cologne, Prague, Vienna(13), Danube(21), Varna (35, Constantinople(37), Therapia(40), Broussa(47), Hellespont(67), Besika bay (68, Tchigri(73), Eren Keuy(76), Troy(79), Buyukdere(100), Bosphorus(111), Smyrna(124), Rhodes(1@8), Calimno 9146), Sxio(147), Mitylene(154), The dardanelles(163), Sea of Marmora(167), Syra(184), Cyclades(185), The Piraeus(186), Athens(186), Eleusis(198), Marathon(200), Phylae(203), Adalia(213), Alexandretta(216), Beyrat(220), The Lebanon(222), the Nile(223), Alexandria(225), Malta(236), Corfu(258), Chaonia(275), Saronic Gulf(294), Argolid(296), Sunium(304), Gulg of Volo(308), Mount Pelion(#11), Kavarna bay(318), Corinth(337), Patras(338), Venice(342), Verona, Mila, Como, Switzerland
Γλώσσα κειμένου: English Notes for the traveler.
Ενδιαφέροντα: civilisation, trade, christianity
Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard-Carlisle (the Earl of ) G.W.F. Howard Traveller-Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard-Carlisle (the Earl of ) G.W.F. Howard
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
Carlisle, G.W.F. Howard (Earl of) Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard
Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters by the Hponorable The Earl of Carlisle
London, 1855
Preface. Content description: Title Pagination: PP12+353P Volumes: 1 Edition: 5th Text Genre: Prose / Journal
GEN : GT 1129.27 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT 1129.27)
Itinerary: Cologne, Prague, Vienna(13), Danube(21), Varna (35, Constantinople(37), Therapia(40), Broussa(47), Hellespont(67), Besika bay (68, Tchigri(73), Eren Keuy(76), Troy(79), Buyukdere(100), Bosphorus(111), Smyrna(124), Rhodes(1@8), Calimno 9146), Sxio(147), Mitylene(154), The dardanelles(163), Sea of Marmora(167), Syra(184), Cyclades(185), The Piraeus(186), Athens(186), Eleusis(198), Marathon(200), Phylae(203), Adalia(213), Alexandretta(216), Beyrat(220), The Lebanon(222), the Nile(223), Alexandria(225), Malta(236), Corfu(258), Chaonia(275), Saronic Gulf(294), Argolid(296), Sunium(304), Gulg of Volo(308), Mount Pelion(#11), Kavarna bay(318), Corinth(337), Patras(338), Venice(342), Verona, Mila, Como, Switzerland
Original language: English Notes for the traveler.
Interests: civilisation, trade, christianity
Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard-Carlisle (the Earl of ) G.W.F. Howard Traveller-Carlisle (The Earl of ), G.W.F. Howard-Carlisle (the Earl of ) G.W.F. Howard
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou