Dr Leonhart Rauwolff's Travels into the Eastern Countries. In which is chiefly treated, how he got into Syria, and what strange things he there saw and observed. In: [Ray, John] (ed.), A collection of curious Travels and Voyages, London 1738.
View in English
Rauwolff, Leonhart
Dr Leonhart Rauwolff's Travels into the Eastern Countries. In which is chiefly treated, how he got into Syria, and what strange things he there saw and observed. In: [Ray, John] (ed.), A collection of curious Travels and Voyages, London 1738.
London, 1738
Aρίθμηση σελίδων: 1-338 Eίδος κειμένου: Prose
EJF (Collection of Eusthathios J. Finopoulos, Athens)
Δρομολόγιο: Augsburg. Marseilles(6), Tripoli(14), Damant(42), Halepo or Aleppo(44), Euphrates(91), Bir(92), Racka(110), Deer(117), Ana(124), Babylon(137), Bagdat(142), Nineveh(159), mount of Libanus(186), Tripoli(203), Hayphe(210), Joppe(212), Jerusalem(220), Bethleh
Γλώσσα κειμένου: Dutch Notes for the traveler. See other of Rauwolf's editions See other of Rauwolf's editions
Rauwolff, Leonhart-Rauwolff Leonhart Editor-Ray, John (ed.)-Ray (ed.) John Traveller-Rauwolff, Leonhart-Rauwolff Leonhart
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
Dr Leonhart Rauwolff's Travels into the Eastern Countries. In which is chiefly treated, how he got into Syria, and what strange things he there saw and observed. In: [Ray, John] (ed.), A collection of curious Travels and Voyages, London 1738.
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Rauwolff, Leonhart
Dr Leonhart Rauwolff's Travels into the Eastern Countries. In which is chiefly treated, how he got into Syria, and what strange things he there saw and observed. In: [Ray, John] (ed.), A collection of curious Travels and Voyages, London 1738.
London, 1738
Pagination: 1-338 Text Genre: Prose
EJF (Collection of Eusthathios J. Finopoulos, Athens)
Itinerary: Augsburg. Marseilles(6), Tripoli(14), Damant(42), Halepo or Aleppo(44), Euphrates(91), Bir(92), Racka(110), Deer(117), Ana(124), Babylon(137), Bagdat(142), Nineveh(159), mount of Libanus(186), Tripoli(203), Hayphe(210), Joppe(212), Jerusalem(220), Bethleh
Original language: Dutch Notes for the traveler. See other of Rauwolf's editions See other of Rauwolf's editions
Rauwolff, Leonhart-Rauwolff Leonhart Editor-Ray, John (ed.)-Ray (ed.) John Traveller-Rauwolff, Leonhart-Rauwolff Leonhart
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou