The Travels of four Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red-Sea, and
View in English
Biddulph, William
The Travels of four Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red-Sea, and
London, 1745
Eικονογράφηση: (χάρτες ,τοπία ,)
GEN: GT. 349 9 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT. 349 9)
Δρομολόγιο: As entry: ed. 1609
Γλώσσα κειμένου: English Notes for the traveler.
Biddulph, William-Biddulph William Traveller-Biddulph, William-Biddulph William
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
The Travels of four Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red-Sea, and
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Biddulph, William
The Travels of four Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red-Sea, and
London, 1745
Preface: Lavenden, Th. Content description: Side notes Illustration: (Maps ,Views ,) Pagination: 762-830P Volumes: 1 Text Genre: Letters
GEN: GT. 349 9 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT. 349 9)
Itinerary: As entry: ed. 1609
Original language: English Notes for the traveler.
Biddulph, William-Biddulph William Traveller-Biddulph, William-Biddulph William
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou