LeCamus, E.
Voyage aux sept Eglises de l'Apocalypse.
Paris, 1895
Eικονογράφηση: (χάρτες ,τοπία ,πορτραίτα ,)
Sorbonne [P172-4o] (Biblioth?que de la Sorbonne, Paris: P172-4o)
Δρομολόγιο: Smyrne, Ayassolouk, Ephèse, Scala-Nova, Balachic, Magnésie du Méandre, Aïdin, Tralles, Nazli, Colosses, Hiérapolis, Laodicée, Philadelphie (Alacheir), Sardes, Soma, Pérgame.See also ed., 1896 (19LSVOYLOV1896, 19LSVOYDeS 1896)
Γλώσσα κειμένου: French Notes for the traveler. Priest Visit of the seven churches of the Apocalypse
Ενδιαφέροντα: Everyday life, Topography, Antiquities, Religion, Schools
LeCamus, E.-Le Camus (L' Abbé) E.
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
LeCamus, E.
Voyage aux sept Eglises de l'Apocalypse.
Paris, 1895
Illustration: (Maps ,Views ,portraits ,) Pagination: see Remarks Part of a collected volume. ( Le Tour Du Monde) Text Genre: Prose
Sorbonne [P172-4o] (Biblioth?que de la Sorbonne, Paris: P172-4o)
Itinerary: Smyrne, Ayassolouk, Ephèse, Scala-Nova, Balachic, Magnésie du Méandre, Aïdin, Tralles, Nazli, Colosses, Hiérapolis, Laodicée, Philadelphie (Alacheir), Sardes, Soma, Pérgame.See also ed., 1896 (19LSVOYLOV1896, 19LSVOYDeS 1896)
Original language: French Notes for the traveler. Priest Visit of the seven churches of the Apocalypse
Interests: Everyday life, Topography, Antiquities, Religion, Schools
LeCamus, E.-Le Camus (L' Abbé) E.
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou