Eastern life present and Past. By Harriet Martineau. In three volumes London Edward Moxon, Dover street.1848
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Martineau, Harriet
Eastern life present and Past. By Harriet Martineau. In three volumes London Edward Moxon, Dover street.1848
London, 1848
Πρόλογος: by Martineau, Harriet Περιγραφή περιεχομένων: Title Aρίθμηση σελίδων: PP10+336P, PP7+321P+2PP, PP5+344 Tόμοι: 3 Έκδοση : 1st Eίδος κειμένου: Journal
GEN: GT.1642 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT.1642)
Δρομολόγιο: Vol.I: Alexandria, Cairo, Nile, Aswan, Aboo-Simbil, Dendoor, Isna, THebesVol.II, Benee Hasan, Cairo, Sinai, Akaba, PetraVol.III, Palestine, Jeruslem, Cana, Syria, Batroun
Γλώσσα κειμένου: English Notes for the traveler.
Ενδιαφέροντα: Vegetetion, Ornithology, Ruins, Manners, Customs, Archaeology
Martineau, Harriet-Martineau Harriet Traveller-Martineau, Harriet-Martineau Harriet
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
Eastern life present and Past. By Harriet Martineau. In three volumes London Edward Moxon, Dover street.1848
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Martineau, Harriet
Eastern life present and Past. By Harriet Martineau. In three volumes London Edward Moxon, Dover street.1848
London, 1848
Preface: by Martineau, Harriet Content description: Title Pagination: PP10+336P, PP7+321P+2PP, PP5+344 Volumes: 3 Edition: 1st Text Genre: Journal
GEN: GT.1642 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT.1642)
Itinerary: Vol.I: Alexandria, Cairo, Nile, Aswan, Aboo-Simbil, Dendoor, Isna, THebesVol.II, Benee Hasan, Cairo, Sinai, Akaba, PetraVol.III, Palestine, Jeruslem, Cana, Syria, Batroun
Original language: English Notes for the traveler.
Interests: Vegetetion, Ornithology, Ruins, Manners, Customs, Archaeology
Martineau, Harriet-Martineau Harriet Traveller-Martineau, Harriet-Martineau Harriet
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou