Georgievits, Bartholomaeus
Gontaut - Biron, Jean de
The offspring of the house of ottomano and officers pertaining to the greate Turks court; whereunto is added Bartholomaus Georgieviz Epitome the costumes, rytes, ceremonies, and religion of the Turkes,with the miserable affliction of this Christians which
London, 1570
Eισαγωγή: H.Goughe
Dedication. Dedication:
Aρίθμηση σελίδων: (180P) 90f
Tόμοι: 1
Eίδος κειμένου: Prose
GEN: TH 4 G69 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: TH 4 G69)
Πληθυσμοί- Εθνοτικές ομάδες
Κοινωνία-Καθημερινός βίος
Δρομολόγιο: As entry ed. 1544
Γλώσσα κειμένου: Latin Notes for the traveler. Captured
Ενδιαφέροντα: Customs and manners of the Turks
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgievits Bartholomaeo
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartholomaeus
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgievich Bartolomaeo
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartholomaeo
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartolomaeo
Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georges Bartholomieu
Gontaut - Biron, Jean de-Gontaut - Biron (Baron de Salignac) Jean
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgievits Bartholomaeo
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartholomaeus
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgievich Bartolomaeo
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartholomaeo
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georgieviz Bartolomaeo
Traveller-Georgievits, Bartholomaeus-Georges Bartholomieu
Traveller-Gontaut - Biron, Jean de-Gontaut - Biron (Baron de Salignac) Jean
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου