Karamania or a brief description of the South Coast of Asia Minor and of the remains of antiquity with plans,views,etc. collected during a survey of the coast,under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty,in the years 1811-1812
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Beaufort, Francis
Karamania or a brief description of the South Coast of Asia Minor and of the remains of antiquity with plans,views,etc. collected during a survey of the coast,under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty,in the years 1811-1812
London, 1817
Eικονογράφηση: (χάρτες ,τοπία ,αρχαιότητες ,άλλα θέματα ,)
GEN: GT-1510-1511 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT-1510-1511)
Δρομολόγιο: Patara, Kastelorizo, Kakava, Myra, Phineka, Cape of Khelidonia, Phaselis, Deliktash, Makry, Cnidus, Kos, Boodroom, Adalia, Laara, Side, Alanya, Selinty, Anamour, Aghaliman, Seletkeh, Korghos, Ayash, Pompeiopolis, Tersoos, Karadash, Ayas
Γλώσσα κειμένου: Notes for the traveler. Captain
Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Francis Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Franc. Painter-Beaufort, Emily Anne-Beaufort Emily A. Traveller-Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Francis Traveller-Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Franc.
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
Karamania or a brief description of the South Coast of Asia Minor and of the remains of antiquity with plans,views,etc. collected during a survey of the coast,under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty,in the years 1811-1812
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά
Beaufort, Francis
Karamania or a brief description of the South Coast of Asia Minor and of the remains of antiquity with plans,views,etc. collected during a survey of the coast,under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty,in the years 1811-1812
London, 1817
Preface. Content description: Index Illustration: (Maps ,Views ,antiquities ,varia ,) Pagination: PP16+299P Volumes: 1 Text Genre: Prose
GEN: GT-1510-1511 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT-1510-1511)
Itinerary: Patara, Kastelorizo, Kakava, Myra, Phineka, Cape of Khelidonia, Phaselis, Deliktash, Makry, Cnidus, Kos, Boodroom, Adalia, Laara, Side, Alanya, Selinty, Anamour, Aghaliman, Seletkeh, Korghos, Ayash, Pompeiopolis, Tersoos, Karadash, Ayas
Original language: Notes for the traveler. Captain
Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Francis Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Franc. Painter-Beaufort, Emily Anne-Beaufort Emily A. Traveller-Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Francis Traveller-Beaufort, Francis-Beaufort Franc.
Institute of Neohellenic Research / NHRF
Ioli Vingopoulou