The travels of foure Englishmen and Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, And to the Black Sea and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damasscus, Canaan, Galilea, Samaria, Indea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Iericho and to the Red Sea and
View in English
Biddulph, William
The travels of foure Englishmen and Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, And to the Black Sea and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damasscus, Canaan, Galilea, Samaria, Indea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Iericho and to the Red Sea and
London, 1612
Πρόλογος: Levante, Theophle Περιγραφή περιεχομένων: Side notes Aρίθμηση σελίδων: PP18+102P Tόμοι: 1 Eίδος κειμένου: Letters
GEN: GT.496.1 (Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens: GT.496.1)
Δρομολόγιο: As entry: ed. 1609
Γλώσσα κειμένου: English Notes for the traveler.
Biddulph, William-Biddulph William Traveller-Biddulph, William-Biddulph William
Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ ΕΙΕ
Ιόλη Βιγγοπούλου
The travels of foure Englishmen and Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, And to the Black Sea and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damasscus, Canaan, Galilea, Samaria, Indea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Iericho and to the Red Sea and
Προβολή στα Ελληνικά