Γράμμα του Θεοφίλου, επιτρόπου του Aγίου Tορνόβου για την προσφορά ελεημοσύνης υπέρ του Xιλανδαρίου
Αρχείο Μ. Χιλανδαρίου Κουτί 5/ΙΙΙ, 1792: 21-2
Rights Holder:
Μ. Χιλανδαρίου
The PANDEKTIS digitalization and online dissemination through www.ekt.gr/pandektis has been developed by the Greek National Documentation Centre (EKT).
The project 'PANDEKTIS - A Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History and Culture' is developed by the National Hellenic Research Foundation under the framework 'Digital Greece' (
www.psifiakiellada.gr) and is co-financed at 75% by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund and at 25% by the Greek Public Domain (Operational Program for IS - OPIS, 3rd CSF 2000-2006).